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Schema for cv_change_control_v3

Variable Type Required Default Choices Description
change_id list No List of change IDs to get/remove
name str No The name of the change control, if not provided, one will be generated automatically
state str No show show
Set if we should get, set/update, or remove the change control
change Dict No A dict containing the change control to be created/modified
    name str No Name of change control
    notes str No Any notes that you want to add
    stages Dict Yes
        - name str Yes Name of stage
          mode str Yes series
Serial or parallel execution
          parent str Yes Name of parent stage
    activities Dict Yes
        - name str Yes Only used internally, “task” for any tasks
          stage str Yes The name of the Stage to assign the task to
          task_id str Yes The WorkOrderId of the task to be executed, if this is to be a task activity
          timeout int No 900 The timeout, if this is to be a task activity
          action str Yes The ID of the action performed (mutually exclusive to task_id and timeout)
          arguments Dict Yes
              - name str Yes Device ID
                value str Yes Device serial number

How to find the Action ID

Actions have a unique ID that can be a descriptive and have a meaningful name, e.g.: mlaghealtcheck or interfaceCycle (built-in actions) or they can have randomly generated list of characters (new custom actions created from the UI).

The easiest way to figure out an Action’s ID is to check the actionId variable in the browser’s URL after selecting the action on the Provisioning - Actions page.


built-in action id

custom action id

List of built-in actions in 2024.2
  • snapshot (Capture CLI Snapshot): Run a snapshot that has been defined in Snapshot Configuration.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    TemplateID Dynamic ID of the template Yes No No
  • mlaghealthcheck (Check MLAG Health): Run this action before and after the main change control action to ensure that an MLAG device is ready to be upgraded and then to validate that it has upgraded successfully.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • cleanFlash (Clean Flash): Delete device files using a file spec and file glob. This works by collecting the existing files on the device that match the file spec, eg “flash:” and then uses the CLI “delete” command for each file that matches the file spec, eg “log*.txt.” The action protects against deleting the current running image and boot image.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    FileSpecAndGlob Dynamic File spec and glob for the files to be deleted Yes No No
  • downloadFile (Download File): Download image and extension files to a device flash directory. The files specified must be available in the CloudVision file store. The action will skip the download if the desired file is already present by comparing the sha512 checksum. The action will also make space by deleting old, unused SWI images from flash.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    Source Dynamic Yes No No No
  • enterbgpmaintmode (Enter BGP Maintenance Mode): Pair this action with Exit BGP Maintenance Mode to run specific tests detailed in the EOS User Manual before reinserting the device into the network.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • enterZTP (Enter ZTP): The Enter ZTP action deletes the startup-config, zerotouch-config and reloads the device to force the device to enter ZTP mode.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • task (Execute Task): Run this action with a pre-defined TaskID to execute the specified network changes.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    TaskID Dynamic ID of the task Yes No No
  • exitbgpmaintmode (Exit BGP Maintenance Mode): Pair this action with Enter BGP Maintenance Mode to run specific tests detailed in the EOS User Manual before reinserting the device into the network.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • exitZTP (Exit ZTP): The Exit ZTP action copies the running config to cvp-config, the zero-touch agent will reboot the device and bring it out of ZTP mode.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • interfaceCableTest (Interface Cable Test): Run this action to invoke the EOS l1 cable test feature. This diagnostic is useful to determine if a Base-T interface has a wiring issue or if the wire is physically damaged. Running this action will cause a momentary service interruption on the associated interface.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    InterfaceID Dynamic ID of the switch interface Yes No No
    SkipValidation Dynamic false Flag for whether validation of the test should be skipped Yes No No
  • interfaceCycle (Interface Cycle): Run this action as part of a diagnostic activity. When executed, this action will temporarily change the admin state and/or the PoE state of the associated Ethernet interface in an attempt to restore network connectivity to the connected endpoint. Running this action will cause a momentary service interruption on the associated interface.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    AdminStateCycle Dynamic false Flag for whether to administratively cycle the interface Yes No No
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    InterfaceID Dynamic ID of the switch interface Yes No No
    PoeCycle Dynamic false Flag for whether to cycle the POE of the interface Yes No No
    SkipValidation Dynamic false Flag for whether to skip monitor the interface post-cycle Yes No No
  • reboot: Reboot the device specified by the DeviceID argument.


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
  • setConfig (Set Configuration): Push a designed config or roll back to a previous running config.This is accomplished by providing a DeviceID, Timestamp and Source (Running Config or Designed Config).


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    Source Dynamic Source of Config - DesignedConfig or RunningConfig Yes No No
    Timestamp Dynamic 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Timestamp for the designed config or running config Yes No No
  • setImage (Set Image): Push a new image or roll back to a previous running image. This is accomplished by providing a DeviceID, Timestamp, Source (Running Image or Designed Image) and a ReloadMode. The ReloadMode argument allows the action to reboot the device using advanced EOS features like Smart System Upgrade. This action will also take care of downloading the required EOS software image and extension(s).


    Name Type Default Description Required Hidden Deprecated
    DeviceID Dynamic ID of the device Yes No No
    ReloadMode Dynamic Type of reload on the switch No No No
    Source Dynamic Source of Image - DesignedImage or RunningImage Yes No No
    Timestamp Dynamic 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Timestamp for the designed image or running image Yes No No
Supported custom actions

We host a list of supported actions in our cloudvision-python-actions GitHub repository.

Last update: July 18, 2024