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Schema for cv_device_v3

Variable Type Required Default Choices Description
apply_mode str No loose loose
Set how configlets are attached/detached on device. If set to strict all configlets not listed in your vars are detached
inventory_mode str No strict loose
Define how missing devices are handled. “loose” will ignore missing devices. “strict” will fail on any missing device
search_key str No hostname fqdn
Key name to use to look for device in CloudVision
state str No present present
Set if Ansible should build, remove devices from provisioning, fully decommission or factory reset devices on CloudVision
devices List Yes List of devices with their container and configlets information
    ipAddress str Yes IP address of the device
    fqdn str Yes Fully Qualified Domain Name of the device.
This field is required along with parentContainerName
    serialNumber str Yes serial number of the device.
This field is required along with parentContainerName
    systemMacAddress str No MAC address of the device
    parentContainerName str Yes Name of the parent container.
This field is required along with either serialNumber or fqdn
    configlets List No List of configlets
    imageBundle str No Name of the image bundle applied to a container/device

Last update: November 21, 2023