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Schema for cv_change_control_v3

Variable Type Required Default Choices Description
change_id list No List of change IDs to get/remove
name str No The name of the change control, if not provided, one will be generated automatically
state str No show show
Set if we should get, set/update, or remove the change control
change Dict No A dict containing the change control to be created/modified
    name str No Name of change control
    notes str No Any notes that you want to add
    stages Dict Yes
        - name str Yes Name of stage
          mode str Yes series
Serial or parallel execution
          parent str Yes Name of parent stage
    activities Dict Yes
        - name str Yes Only used internally, “task” for any tasks
          stage str Yes The name of the Stage to assign the task to
          task_id str Yes The WorkOrderId of the task to be executed, if this is to be a task activity
          timeout int No 900 The timeout, if this is to be a task activity
          action str Yes The name of the action performed (mutually exclusive to task_id and timeout)
          arguments Dict Yes
              - name str Yes Device ID
                value str Yes Device serial number

Last update: November 21, 2023