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Development tips & tricks

Collection installation

These instructions are for regular users to install via Ansible Galaxy. To setup a development environment use these instructions.

arista.cvp can also be consumed using the “AVD All-in-one” container.

Install from Ansible Galaxy

arista.cvp collection is available on Ansible Galaxy server and can be automatically installed on your system.

Make sure to install Python requirements afterwards.

Latest version
$ ansible-galaxy collection install arista.cvp


If you have an ansible.cfg file in the directory where you run ansible-galaxy, it may affect the directory under which the collection and dependencies will be installed.

Install a specific version
$ ansible-galaxy collection install arista.cvp:==3.1.0

You can specify multiple range identifiers which are split by ,. You can use the following range identifiers:

  • *: Any version, this is the default used when no range specified is set.
  • !=: Version is not equal to the one specified.
  • ==: Version must be the one specified.
  • >=: Version is greater than or equal to the one specified.
  • >: Version is greater than the one specified.
  • <=: Version is less than or equal to the one specified.
  • <: Version is less than the one specified.
Install latest devel version from AVD GitHub
$ ansible-galaxy collection install git+,devel
Install in a specific directory

If you want to install collection in a specific directory part of your project, you can call ansible-galaxy and update your ansible.cfg

# Install collection under ${PWD/collections/}
$ ansible-galaxy collection install arista.cvp -p collections/

# Update ansible.cfg file
$ vim ansible.cfg
collections_paths = ${PWD}/collections:~/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
Upgrade installed AVD collection

You can use -U to upgrade to a new version for any installed collection:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install -U arista.cvp
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'arista.cvp:3.1.0' to '/root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/arista/cvp'

Ansible resources

You can find some additional information about how to use ansible’s collections on the following Ansible pages:

Last update: November 18, 2021