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Installation using GIT#

Setup using Git to install collection#

You can git clone this repository and use examples folder for testing. This folder contains a set of pre-configured playbook and ansible configuration:

Clone repository#

$ git clone
$ cd ansible-cvp

Build and install collection#

$ ansible-galaxy collection build --force ansible_collections/arista/cvp
$ ansible-galaxy collection install arista-cvp-<VERSION>.tar.gz

Setup using Git for local testing.#

Clone repository#

# Clone repository
$ git clone

# Move to git folder
cd ansible-cvp

Install python virtual-environment#

# Install virtualenv if not part of your system
$ python -m pip install virtualenv

Create virtual environment#

# Create a virtual env named .venv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages -p $(which python2.7) .venv

# Activate virtualenv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Install collection requirements#

# Install repsoitory requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

(Optional) Update your ansible.cfg#

Only if you want to use your own playbooks outside of __examples/__folder of the repository.

# Get your current location
$ pwd

# Update your ansible.cfg
$ vim ansible.cfg
collections_paths = /path/to/ansible/cvp/collection_repository